Copyright (c) The Crickley Archaeological Hill Trust 1969-2021. The right to use, copy, distribute or otherwise disseminate this material is reserved to those specifically authorised by The Trust.

Cutting location


The Class column tells you the general find type.  1= Pot, 2=Burnt Clay, 3=Bone, 4=Tooth, 5=Flint, 6=Pebble, 7=Other alien stone, 8=Charcoal, 9=Glass, 10=Iron, 11=Bronze/Copper, 12=Coin, 13=Seed, 15=Nutshell, 16=Snail shells, 17=Modern items

Unique number

Description of what was found

Up to CH75, and in some rampart cuttings afterwards, find locations were recorded by measuring (in metres) from two defined pegs marked on plans. These locations are recorded in these four columns.

The details of finds from each cutting can be seen in a table like this. Beware - some of the these schedules are big files (up to 40MB).

The finds schedule

Sequential item number for finds of different types in the same bag

Count of items

Feature/Layer where found

Date found

Location in square E/N in metres