
Copyright (c) The Crickley Archaeological Hill Trust 1969-2021. The right to use, copy, distribute or otherwise disseminate this material is reserved to those specifically authorised by The Trust.

What’s in the archive

There is a large photography archive, produced almost entirely by the excavation director, Professor Philip Dixon. This includes photographs of all the significant features, and many scenes of work on the site throughout the 25 years of its excavation. Some of these photographs adorn the pages of this website.

The photography archive has now been largely scanned and a comprehensive catalogue has been created. Selected general photos from each cutting can now be viewed as an album via the ‘Photo Album’ button on each cutting page. In total this gives access to about half of the complete photo archive, but should give a good impression of the excavation of the site. Becuase of the way they have been indexed, black and white photographs appear first, followed by colour ones. The first two digits in the code number of each photo tells you the season to which it relates.

In due course, albums of photographs of specific features in each cutting will also be added. Please respect the Copyright on all site images, which resides with the excavation director, Professor P.W.Dixon.